Types of translations and their relevance in the market

The modern process of translation activities nepali to english covers various spheres of life. Construction and engineering, economics and politics, literature and journalism: these are just some of the areas in which a translator has to work. A modern translator works in different conditions, where he is faced with different genres, topics, and of course the language of the translated texts varies. There are many types of translation, each of them has its own characteristics, design requirements.

The types of translation can be distinguished depending on the predominant communicative function and the form of speech involved in the translation process. Thus, we can distinguish between literary and informative translation, and interpretation and translation. Also, there is machine translation, which is the latest development in modern translation practice.

According to the modern theory of translation, there are two main classifications of types of translation: genre-stylistic and psycholinguistic classifications.

Genre-stylistic classification has two types of translation:

Literary translation deals with fiction or poetry, its main function is to have an emotional and aesthetic impact on the reader of the translation.
Informative translation, translation of texts on specialized topics, the main purpose of which is to convey information and meaning in full. Subtypes of informative translation are distinguished: economic translation, technical translation, website translation, and others.
Psycholinguistic classification distinguishes interpretation and translation, which takes into account the nature of the translator’s actions in the translation process. Interpretation is a type of translation in which the original text and the translation text are presented in a non-fixed form. Written translation is a translation method when the texts of the original and the translation are presented in a fixed form, and the translator can refer to them several times.

You can also distinguish the types of interpretation:

Consecutive translation performed after the orator has pronounced the original speech work.
Simultaneous translation performed by the translator simultaneously with the pronunciation of the original work by the speaker.
Translation can be divided according to the criterion of human participation in translation activities into: machine translation and traditional (human-performed) translation. There is also one-way or two-way translation, where either the translator works with one language, or translates the conversation, and works with two languages ​​at the same time.

In the translation market now, both oral and written translation are in demand. A large number of negotiations, meetings, telephone conversations, conferences: all this is not complete without the participation of an interpreter. According to the subject of information translation, technical translation dominates the market, followed by economic translation and medical translation. But other topics also have their clients, it all depends on the type of activity of a particular client. Translation of multimedia materials, video and audio files is also highly demanded in the translation market, which is associated with the development of information and computer technologies in the world.

Thus, each type of translation is in demand on the market and has its own client. The globalized world requires and creates new communications, expands areas of activity and generates new needs. One of the most important needs is the need for highly qualified translators.