5 steps to start thinking in English

Do you have an important decision about telugu to english? Don’t think of him in your own language. Translate your thinking into English! Research has shown that if you think about things in a foreign language, your decisions become more rational. In addition to this advantage, it is also a way to learn the language faster and improve your speaking practice.

So how do you start thinking in English? Here are 5 easy steps for you.

1. Think in “separate” words

When: When your mind is clear and you are not busy, once or twice a day.

How: If you are just starting to learn English, don’t worry, you can start by knowing even a few words and expressions. Start with individual words. Of course, you will not be able to think about important decisions, but it will not be difficult to identify some objects that you see around you or actions that you perform. For example, when you wake up in the morning, think to yourself: “Good morning!”, and when you are going to sleep – “It was a long day. I am tired but happy. Good night!”

At first, it will be difficult for you to adjust to a foreign language. But you can use a few tricks that will remind you of English. Here are just a few of them: 1) using a smartphone or tablet – every time you look at the screen, you will find a splash screen there: “Think in English!”; 2) stickers for the apartment / house – a note on the mirror in the bathroom with words that you could use in the bathroom, on the refrigerator with the name of the products, etc.

2. Talk about your day

When: When your mind is clear and you are not busy, once or twice a day.

How: In the books, the narrator is part of the story, he describes what happens. Many films, especially documentaries, use narrators to explain certain details. Now you will become a storyteller for yourself, as if your life is a movie!

Narrate your life the way Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones do. You can refer to yourself in the third person (“he/she”) or use the first person. It might sound something like this: “Morning. He wakes up and rubs his eyes, ready to face the new day. He yawns, makes himself a cup of coffee and wonders what she should wear today.” You can describe everything you do, it will help to increase your vocabulary.

3. Get creative

When: Any time you don’t know how to say something in English.

How: You are sitting in a car, stuck in traffic and decide to study English. Amazing! But what if you can’t remember a particular word? Instead of opening Google Translate, it’s your turn to be creative.

For example, if you’re trying to explain to someone that you’ve lost your keys but can’t remember the word “key”, you might say “I can’t open the door because it’s locked” or “I can’t get into my house, I have lost the thing that is used to open the door.” Both sentences don’t use the word “key”, but both are easy enough to understand.

So if you stop at a particular word, don’t be fooled and don’t use your native language. Instead, think of synonymous words, or use the following expressions:

It’s the opposite…
It looks like …
This is the place where…
This is what you use to…
This is the action you take when…

To strengthen your creative skills, you can play charades with your friends. Explain your thoughts with phrases in English, and let your partners guess what word you have in mind.

4. Join a speaking club

It is always nice to communicate with people with whom you have common interests, hobbies. A club in which communication takes place in English will be useful. When we talk about things that interest us, and the environment is comfortable for us, the conversation is built much faster and easier. Try to think ahead of time about the list of words/phrases you are going to practice. And then use them in everyday communication.

5. Share your experience

Vocabulary systematization can also be entertaining. If you already speak the language confidently enough, then you can easily conduct a culinary master class or a handmade workshop. Think about each action: how you present yourself to the participants of the event, what will be included in the program. Make a plan and stick to it. And do not forget about positive emotions! They will come in very handy!