German spelling

Writing in German is very easy – it is a phonetic language, all words are written as they are heard. The only thing you need to do is learn the spelling rules and english to german. There are not too many of them and they are very simple. Only the beautiful letter ß can cause difficulties – depending on the length of the vowel sound that comes before it, it can be replaced by a double S. But this also applies to listening rather than writing. In general, we can say that the skill of writing is secondary – the most important thing is expanding the vocabulary and reading authentic literature. When you become confident in understanding written language, writing on your own will not be difficult either. However, there are two pieces of advice we want to give you:

Don’t mix spoken and written language and english to german. Written and spoken German differ so much that there are even separate dictionaries for them. The Germans not only change the structure of sentences for everyday communication, but also use special words that are not used in writing. They show shades of the speaker’s attitude to the subject of the dialogue. For example, the word doch, which means “but still”: Er war nicht fertig, doch antwortete (he was not ready, but still answered). Unlike the usual aber, which is equivalent to the Russian “but”, doch adds a touch of surprise. And it is not usually used in written speech.
Übung macht den Meister. Write and read, the more the better. Often a habit is as useful as knowing a rule. Seeing the same word a hundred times in different texts, you will definitely remember it and never write with errors. And by writing it a hundred more times and also in different contexts, you will add muscle memory to ordinary memory – and the hand itself will write it, as it should, without referring to the brain.